Tawingo partner Shanta works in Myanmar to support education and create economic opportunities

Tawingo Fund supports entrepreneurial and community-based organizations that make a significant and long-lasting impact on the lives of those they serve. Our principal areas of giving are the following.

Areas Of Giving

  • Improving the Lives of Disadvantaged Children

  • Economic Security & Development

  • Access to Healthcare

  • Access to Proper Sanitation

  • Microfinance

  • Food Security

  • Job Training


Kyaninga Child Development Center - Uganda

Kyaninga Child Development Center provides direct service care and training to parents of and children with disabilities, as well as builds capacity of schools to be more inclusive to a range of disabilities. They are opening a new arm of the center, called Kyaninga Mobility where they will build wheelchairs and assistive devices built from local materials, customizable to a child’s needs and designed to handle rugged terrain.

What Makes Them Special?

Kyaninga Child Development Center is transforming lives of children with disabilities, providing them with therapy and equipment to increase their mobility as they grow. Kyaninga Mobility is utilizing sustainable materials and techniques to build wheelchairs and employing people with disabilities, while building a wheelchair that will improve the quality of life of the recipient. All proceeds from wheelchair sales will be used to fund Kyaninga Child Development Health Center.

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Shanta Foundation - Myanmar

Shanta enters six-year partnerships with poor rural villages in Myanmar to help villagers make major improvements in education, healthcare, income generation and infrastructure and to develop a leadership structure (that includes women) that will survive long after the six-year partnership ends.

What Makes Them Special?

Shanta engages community members in shaping their own village’s vision and realizing its goals and facilitates systemic change rather than simply focusing on short-term projects.

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Homes of Hope - India

Homes of Hope India constructs residences in the poorest parts of India to house children, primarily girls, who are homeless and often HIV-affected or infected.

What Makes Them Special?

Once the residences are built, Catholic nuns lovingly provide for all the children’s needs — food, clothing, health, and education – and create for them possibilities for a future they otherwise would not have.


Ujima Foundation- Kenya

Ujima Foundation provides job readiness and skill based training to unemployed youth and offers them internship placements utilizing these skills. The majority of Ujima students have lost their parents and are caring for their younger siblings. 

What makes them special? Historically 70% of Ujima Graduates are employed after graduation earning two to three times what they were earning before the program, benefiting themselves and their younger siblings. In addition, they operate income generating businesses such as restaurants, lodges and salons that bring in revenue for Ujima Foundation, ensuring a sustainable model and less reliance on philanthropic funding. 


Feed the Hungry - Mexico

Feed the Hungry improves the health and wellbeing of children living in the area surrounding San Miguel De Allende, Mexico by providing them meals at school and their parents nutritional training.

What Makes Them Special?

For a very low cost per meal, Feed the Hungry provides nearly one million nutritional meals annually to children who otherwise would go hungry. They do this by mobilizing a large number of volunteers from both the local Mexican and expat community. 


Miracle Feet

MiracleFeet corrects clubfoot, the world’s leading cause of disability. It does this by providing organizational, technical and financial support to health clinics around the world.

What Makes Them Special?

By correcting clubfoot in children, MiracleFeet transforms lives, enabling a child to walk, attend school and live a normal life. Rather than treat clubfoot directly, MiracleFeet trains clinicians at local health clinics, thereby maximizing its impact by leveraging existing facilities and their medical personnel.